Friday, 2 March 2007

Naila's Birthday  

Sometimes I get a little too excited for my own good . It usually happens in the nights . So, I am left with no choice but to title that night THE Night. It was Naila's birthday , so we usually bank on the celebrity of that day to treat us . we really do not care whether it's lunch , breakfast or dinner . We really don't .

Junaid , a very close friend , and I planned to go along to a restaurant called Pennang . Although we care which restuarant that person takes us to . We have to . Pennang , a quiet and a cosy place , doe not have many people coming in to eat . So , it's generally a good place when You plan to spend some quality time with only Your friends . We do not usually venture into such places because of a very obvious reason, people of my age would very nearly understand, that we usually need a crowd to make us feel at place and comfortable so it doesn't really matter who You go out with , then .We are a tricky lot , us college goers .

Before I get on with this, let me introduce to You Naila and Junaid. It's very uncommon to for two extremes to be the closest of friends .From where I see , they are extremes in every possible way. Junaid is a very thin guy. He believes he only looks malnourished, but he is not .I have always been fascinated by the thought of knowing someone who is even thinner than me and I have always thought that I would then , surely respect and admire such a guy who comes along . .So , I really have to respect Junaid and whatever I write about him is purely out of respect . Well, Junaid is like a living model of skeleton and it can be placed even in Anatomy classes for studying in detail.Mind You , here comes the respect , He is one gem of a guy .A friend anyone would only dream of having and I have achieved the dream. He is humorous to the core , a thinker to some ,an entertainer to some , emotional to some and flirtatious to some. He can gel with anyone possible and that is exactly the quality I swear to develop even more. He has got the attitude needed to shake anyone which would provoke them look within one selves and question why the hell am i not being him? This is what this guy can do to You , beware.

(to be continued)

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