Wednesday, 30 December 2009

The Clothes I Wear  

I wear clothes which are ought to be worn ,
don’t stare at me 'cause they are not your own .

They say the clothes I wear makes them swear ,
but , what do they know of a young man's dare ?!

Shirts I wear are dyed in strips ,
have fun guys , 'cause you never know when I ll strip .

The clothes I wear are meant to be worn ,
don’t pity now because they are still not torn .

The jeans I wear are always prone to tear ,
now , lets not talk about my underwear .

The socks I wear have a knack of their own,
smell like that could make them go into the zone .

The clothes I wear need not be all bright and gay ,
I'll look great only when you adjust Your stare .

Now You know of a young man's dare ,
so , let me wear for what I care .

I am only young before I die ,
so let me wear before that sigh .

For , I don't carry clothes to my grave ,
only a white linen will all I care .

But, they still say , clothes I wear are not to be worn,
well , after all I am one of their own .

So, with all the modesty of this young man's rhyme ,

I ask You to own me all ,

but , not the clothes that will ultimately fall .

What next?

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