Saturday, 8 December 2007

D . O .  

Two modest alphabets .

Placed side by side however , they form a word potent enough to turn a seething mass of people into a nation .


The last time we decided to turn froma land of philosophers into a nation of do-ers ? Or are we goign to keep thinking about what we should be doing instead of doing something about what we're thinking ?

Are we going to continue talking about our infrastructure and our potholes and our property prices and our healthcare ? Or are we goign to use that telephone , that shovel , that PIL , that ballot paper and so something to make it happen ?

The truth is this .

Thinking can only happen from an armchair but doing must happen on your feet . Thinking may be a great way to get things started but doing is the only wat to get things done .

And lets face it , you're never really caught up in teh traffic jam . You are the traffic jam .

So , lets stop basking in our glorious past or day dreaming about our magnificient future . Let's do something about dominating today .

And domination starts with the word Do .

What next?

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